Tuesday 15 March 2011

Vintage shop Leila cova, Milan Italy

Vintage Shop, Leila Cova

☆If you are in Italy or planning to go there☆
☆Please visit and meet Sono's items☆

All items are made with Antique/Vintage materials

Here is Antique market info from Leila Cova, Milan
Mercatino Piccolo Antiquariato - every second sunday -
www. mercatino antiquariato.com

MILAN : Il Mercatone dell'Antiquariato del Naviglio Grande
(The Grand Antique Market on the Navigli Canal) - every last sunday -
CESENA (close to Rimini, and half an hour from Bologna) -
"C'era una volta" - every third week end (Saturday and Sunday) .
Boutique: PORTOBELLO",in Monza